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Thank you for visiting this blog my friends and i are very appreciated for you visiting. We are hoping that this blog would be turned into something a whole new level. Thanks again for visiting!

P.S: These books are for people ages 9-16

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dead is just a rumor By Marlene Perez

DEAD IS JUST A RUMOR is the FOURTH book of the DEAD IS series,
Daisy Giordano before was a normal girl but then later on she adopted her mom and sister's ability of telekinesis and mind reading. in this story every paranormal person living in nightshade is getting a blackmail letter. while that Daisy has won cooking lessons with the local chef in Nightshade which is Circe Silvertongue who isn't very normal and isn't the nicest person at all, Circe Silvertongue has something to do with Lil( the jukebox's) imprisonment. Meanwhile Daisy's Father was released from the captive of the scourge, he isn't dealing so well with Daisy's boyfriend Ryan who is a werewolf.
Will Daisy and Ryan's relationship last?and will they ever find out what have happened to lil?most importantly can daisy and her sisters find out who the blackmailer is?? Find out by reading DEAD IS JUST A RUMOR by Marlene Perez

If you want details of this book visit these sites below:


COMING SOON: coming soon is the FIFTH book of the DEAD IS series; DEAD IS NOT A OPTION, it will be released next year.

                                     But if you want to know a little bit more about the book DEAD IS NOT AN OPTION visit the website below:

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