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Thank you for visiting this blog my friends and i are very appreciated for you visiting. We are hoping that this blog would be turned into something a whole new level. Thanks again for visiting!

P.S: These books are for people ages 9-16

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The day my butt went psycho! by Andy Griffiths

THE DAY MY BUTT WENT PSYCHO! is based on a TRUE story! This book is about a crazy butt, one brave boy named ZACK FREEMAN and an EPIC ADVENTURE!
Can ZACK FREEMAN save the earth from butts gone berserk? Can he defeat the BIGGEST, UGLIEST, MEANEST BUTTS THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN!?!? More important will Zack and his Butt ever find true happiness?
This book is rated G for GROSS!

If you want to know more about this book THE DAY MY BUTT WENT PSYCHO by ANDY GRIFFITHS visit the websites' bellow and enjoy:

And here's a website with games based on the story!:

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