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Thank you for visiting this blog my friends and i are very appreciated for you visiting. We are hoping that this blog would be turned into something a whole new level. Thanks again for visiting!

P.S: These books are for people ages 9-16

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dear Dork Diaries: Tales from a NOT-SO faboulas life By Rachel Renee Russell

This book is about a Eighth grader who moved to a new school that isn't so well, we've all been to a new school before but for Nikki Maxwell(the main character) it wasn't so easy for her, Nikki has her love for arts and crafts and a boy in her new school that she adores!! but she has a little competition the most popular girl in her school, Mackenzie, who also has sight on the same person Nikki has,While that Nikki is in a art competition but the bad news is that MACKENZIE is also in it! can Nikki survive this new school?? can she beat her rival in the arts competition and also get her dream guy at the same time???
Read the book to find out!

find out more about this book by visiting the websites below:

Here is the dork diaries blog you can post stuff there too enjoy!

There is also a trailer for this book visit the site below:

 also available to read in libraries too! and available in most book stores around your area.

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